Illustration of my character Cyber

Illustration of my character Epoch

Illustration of my characters (left to right) Arc, Thorn, Cyber. "The Band of Misfits"

Illustration of my character Thorn "Ghost of the Moon"

Illustration of my character Ivy "Shogun of the Sun"

Illustration of my character Cyber about to whoop some --

Illustration of my favorite DND character Bullywig

Illustration of my Spider-Sona (Inspired by Sony Animations SPIDER-VERSE)

Illustration of my Spider-Sona (Inspired by Sony Animations SPIDER-VERSE)

Since middle school i have been writing a story, this story soon became my fuel for living, and natrually i wanted to see it come to life. So i started drawing the world from my dreams and all of its vibrant characters. Now it is my lifes goal is to turn this story into a series of Graphic Novels. Until then, you can get a sneak peak at some of my character designs.

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